Apex Spreaders 2020 Catalog

Apex Spreaders 2020 Catalog
A lot of folks are just going to want to know what is the cost of a manual spreading machine. Of course, there is a pretty big range, but they start at about $1,400.00 USD. The thing about spreaders these days is that most of them are manual. Since they are simple machines without motors, the cost is relatively low.
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Brother Nexio S7300A -VS- Juki DDL-8700-7

Brother Nexio S7300A -VS- Juki DDL-8700-7
The Brother Nexio S7300A VS the Juki DDL-8700-7. There is a cost difference even though the machines do the same thing. Decide for yourself which is right for your operation. See a simple breakdown of the machines, the corporations that produce them, the thought behind them, and some video footage.
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