A lot of folks are just going to want to know what is the cost of a manual spreading machine. Of course, there is a pretty big range, but they start at about $1,400.00 USD. The thing about spreaders these days is that most of them are manual. Since they are simple machines without motors, the cost is relatively low. This is a stark difference from when most spreading machines were automatic and would run up to 100 yards with the operator riding on the machine. The old, usually Italian designs, would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and were only cost-effective for huge factories. However, there has always been a demand for the simpler, manual spreaders and that's were APEX made it's name. Since 1938 Apex Spreading Machines has offered affordable, high quality, mostly manual spreader made right here in the United States. These cast-iron beasts spread millions of yards every year even with most of the world's sewn production having moved overseas from the U.S. some 30 years ago. Look below to see the specs on the Apex machine line, or click on the Apex Spreading Machine Section of our website to see pricing. If you just need parts for your machine, and know your part number, just enter it in the search bar at the top of the page. However, if you do not know your part number, click here for a full list of Apex Spreading Machine Manuals to locate your part number. Or if you need to confirm an image of a part, you can search by pictures here.